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“Defending you is our profession and our profession is our passion”



Defense – Representation – Assistance

Carole-Olivia MONTENOT opened her law firm in criminal law after a long journey acquiring experience in all fields of justice: from preliminary investigative services to the judicial magistracy.

The law firm specialises in criminal law and is found in the heart of Paris near the Palais de Justice. Attorney MONTENOT specialises in criminal law and corporate law.

MONTENOT’s law firm works with respondents to insure that their rights are respected. All clients can be assured that they are protected under lawyer-client confidentiality.

Our law firm tailors its defense to insure the offender’s interests and rights are upheld to the outmost extent.

The law firm fights for the injured party, whether damages were direct or indirect, to insure that they get justice.

Carole-Olivia MONTENOT will be with you throughout the entire legal process: from police custody, to referral to a court of appeal, judicial investigations, hearings (criminal court), sentence adjustments and correctional court. She can work as your trial and/or appeal lawyer in any and all jurisdictions across France.

Once the judiciary machine’s wheels are in motion, the help of an attorney is crucial. Though families are the principal victims, the system often disregards and excludes them.

Proactive and pragmatic, Carole-Olivia MONTENOT understands that all files are different Her law firm takes on each of them with a know-how that insures the best strategy is adopted for your case, and that compliance with the rules of the judiciary procedure is met.

Her aim is to find a personalized solution for those who put their trust in her, a solution that requires full intellectual and physical dedication.


Corporate and Criminal Law
  • Fraud: CO2, International Bank Transfer Order, Publicity Fraud
  • Abuse of Corporate Assets
  • Laundering
  • Embezzlement
  • Corruption
  • Influence Peddling
Criminal Customs Law
  • Fiscal Fraud
  • Laundering
  • Insider breach (AMF)
  • Insider trading (parquet national financier)
Criminal Customs Law
  • Failure to declare article L 152-4 of the monetary and financial code
  • Procédure à MOD
  • Customs fine for failure to declare an international transfer
  • Customs fine for infringement of legislation on transport of controlled goods: tabacco and alcohol
  • Fine negotiations
International and European Criminal Law
  • Extradition
  • Transfers
  • European arrest warrant
  • International arrest warrant
Common and Criminal Law
  • Infringement of gambling laws
  • Infringement of legislation on narcotics
  • Breach of legislation on foreigners
  • Infringement of procuring laws
  • Violation of property rights and other assets
  • Violation of physical integrity
  • Sexual Offences
Penitentiary Law
  • Disciplinary Committee
  • Sentence reduction

“I don’t defend because I have the strength to;

I defend because I don’t have the strength to remain silent”



cabinet d’avocat droit penal paris

Carole-Olivia MONTENOT

Legal Practitioner of the Paris Bar

Education :

  • Master 2 : Criminal law & criminal policy (Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne) 
  • Paris II – Institute of Criminology: Certificate of criminal science

Contact Information:

15, rue Villaret de Joyeuse
75017 Paris

tel : 00 33 1 84 60 60 54
fax : 00 33 8 90 20 74 84

Carole-Olivia MONTENOT was trained by the most renowned criminal lawyers in France. She began learning criminal law and criminal business law alongside Me Pascal Garbarini whose ability to prudently handle sensitive cases with heavy media coverage brought him particular acclaim.
(lien : Pascal Garbarini – GQ)

She then went on to work in criminal financial law and criminal business law with her associate and student of Me Pierre Haik, Me David-Olivier Kaminski.

(lien : Pierre HAIK – GQ).

These forerunners of the bar taught MONTENOT to be responsive each in their own way. Responsivity is the very definition of judiciary strategy and necessary for the practice of any good defense. It is an indispensable quality for all bar lawyers.


During this time she gained a considerable amount of experience, learned all the ins and outs of the profession, and notably acquired the reflexes of a specialist.
MONTENOT has made a name for herself as an official lawyer of the bar of Paris (le Barreau de Paris). She is particularly known for closely guiding offenders with sensitive cases of organized crime, fraud, breach of trust and exploitation of weakness through each step of the judiciary process.

Her expertise in cases of value added tax fraud, bank transfer order fraud and CO2 scandals, have allowed her to understand and practice the necessary rigueur of her profession. Her rigour has proven especially rewarding throughout the process of monitoring the development of complex and copious legal proceedings.

Today Me Carole-Olivia MONTENOT devotes the fruits of her experience to her clients. The weapons she has acquired far exceed what is necessary for a high-quality and strong defense.

Vincent LAI


Formation :

  • Master 1 : Droit privé option science criminelle (Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
  • Master 2 : Théorie et pratique du procès – « la spécificité du procès pénal des malades mentaux » (Université Paris I Panthéon -Sorbonne)

    Vincent LAI est avocat collaborateur au sein du Cabinet MONTENOT depuis janvier 2019.

    Il a débuté sa carrière au Parquet Général de la Chambre de l’instruction de PARIS puis il a intégré le service des assises de la Cour d’appel de Paris.

    Il assure pour le Cabinet un grand nombre d’audiences notamment en droit pénal général et des affaires.

    Camille MAHLER


    Formation :

    • Master 1 : Droit pénal et sciences criminelles (Université de Strasbourg)
    • Master 2 : Droit pénal et sciences pénales (Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas)

      Camille MAHLER est avocat collaborateur au sein du Cabinet MONTENOT.

      Elle a débuté sa carrière au pôle santé publique du parquet de Paris puis au sein de Cabinets d’avocats pénalistes. 

      Elle est en charge au Cabinet du suivi juridique des dossiers en droit pénal des affaires, financiers et boursiers. Son expertise sur d’importants dossiers en matière de santé publique lui permet une vision stratégique à long termes sur des procédures complexes.

      Juliette PANNIER


      Formation :

        • Master 1 & 2 : Justice procès procéduresUniversité de Caen
        • Master 1 : Droit international et européenELTE University, Budapest

        Juliette PANNIER est élève-avocate au sein du Cabinet MONTENOT.

        Elle a débuté sa formation au sein de cabinets d’avocats pluridisciplinaires (droit du travail, droit de la famille, responsabilité civile…) et au service juridique du Défenseur des droits.

        Elle consacre désormais son activité à la défense pénale en droit pénal commun et droit pénal des affaires.




      Send a message

      11 + 3 =

      Law Firm of Me Carole-Olivia Montenot

      15, rue Villaret de Joyeuse – 75017 Paris

      tel : 00 331 84 60 60 54fax : 00 33 890 20 74 84

      Carole-Olivia Montenot's law firm